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In a cohort of normal individuals born in the UK in 1946 and surveyed longitudinally to the present, research is in hand to analyse tens of thousands of possible methylation sites in the DNA looking for changes that could explain the link between birth weight and breast cancer risk [246]. A similar study could evaluate AIS subjects.
Our data shows that most of the TGF-beta- associated methylation changes occur in the islands and very few in the surrounding regions such as CpG shores and shelves, which differs from the findings previously reported in whole lungs [35]. Our study differs from the latter in that a different platform was used, and the techniques have different intrinsic biases (e. g. changes are limited to regions in proximity to enzymes recognition sites in the CHARM method, whereas the Infinium Methylation platform coverage is dependent on assay design) [39]. However, our study reports significant changes in DNA methylation in CpG islands, mainly in genes with downregulated expression; further research will be needed to decipher the biological significance of these changes. 1e1e36bf2d